There is greatness in you.
Not in some idealistic, disembodied way that meets cultural expectations or showers you with external validation, but a real deep genius in the richness and fullness of who you are.
The world needs your ‘weird’.
Real Genius Life is a safe space to land to be nurtured in your unfolding. Your body already knows how to heal. Your being already knows how to flourish. Your work/business already know how to thrive…
Wherever you find challenge or pain, there is an invitation for accessing a depth of care and expression you’ve not yet known. But it is here and available — right where you are. YOU are what has been missing. The magic is in reconnecting with your fullness and authentic truth in all these areas of your experience.
In the tension, we find the wisdom revealing itself. Rest in the knowing that you are already whole and complete – your wildest dreams are possible and unfolding in this very heartbeat.

//cue theater nerd ‘Julie Andrews’ voice//
Getting to Know Me
I’m not your ‘average’ anything. (And neither are you.)
I care, a lot… about who we are, about what becomes possible when we choose to explore and allow the fullness of our truth, about what happens when we get heart-to-heart with our pain and struggle, about how we move through our experience and growth, about how we create meaning and honoring for ourselves, for our community, and for our world.
I’ve been studying humans my whole life – what moves us, why we do the things we do, how pain and struggle wire, what makes us feel and know our own wholeness again, how we cultivate agency, belonging and sovereignty.
And while there is absolutely a lot of joy and love and authenticity that moves me in all of that, there’s also some really important subtext. I didn’t begin that exploration out of the pure lightness of life. I was driven by living in a world that didn’t make sense to me.
As a sensitive and intuitive kid, I saw everything. I was certainly paying attention to the language, beliefs, actions, and choices of my family and community. But, I was also aware of what was happening under the surface: the pain and tension they held; the struggle they were experiencing but not voicing; the strain of being chronically under-resourced in an extractive society; the misalignment of intentions, needs, boundaries and values.
And so I succumbed to the numbing and dimming down of survival – existing in constant tension, cutting off parts of myself that I couldn’t see existing in the world around me, going through the motions and perpetually strategizing toward certainty and safety, not having language or access to understand what I was experiencing, paralyzed and weighed down by trying to hold all this truth that I had nowhere to put, being tied up in the binds of complex trauma, forever slamming against walls of chronic challenge – physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually.
My life became marked by seeing and believing in possibility everywhere but not being able to translate it into the form of reality; by the limitations of chronic pain and autoimmune illness; by the heaviness of physical and emotional weight; by the tremendous ache of loneliness and perpetual heartbreak of being a caring human in a world on fire; by feeling misunderstood and different.
Until one fateful day when everything within me said: there must be something better than this.
I had no idea where to go or what to do, but I could not continue the way I was.
My first access point was my physical health. I dove into researching holistic health and wellness. I discovered the power of our vitality and the importance of our relationship to food and the land and communities in which it is cultivated. But I also discovered that our physiology is not some isolated mechanism. It is a part of an organic, interconnective whole – body, mind and soul. And I experienced a deep remembering that, in kind, none of us is separate. How we are in our relationship to ourselves and our relationship to our bodies matters. How we are in relationship to one another matters. How we are in relationship to life and nature matters.
Along the way, I discovered modalities and tools that gave me life, again. I explored and practiced techniques that allowed me and my world to finally open up and make sense. I learned how to understand and tap into my deepest strengths as a pattern interruptor, creative and intuitive. And, I discovered that I have some straight-up super powers in these innate gifts that used to feel like my deepest liabilities.
Now, I have the honor of holding space with other humans exploring their own depths and endeavoring to live a life of fullness, meaning and authenticity. I have the privilege to serve as witness and support for those profoundly vulnerable moments of healing and truth-telling and wild growth. And I’m so damn glad I get to be here with you in it all.
- Reiki & Intuitive Enegry Healing
- Natural Health & Life Coaching
- Embodiment & Mindfulness
- Energy Alignment & Balancing
- Holistic & Functional Medicine Support
RYT200 Yoga Alliance Certified Teacher Training-
Practice Indie Yoga (2018)
Body CodeTM Practitioner (January 2018)
Health Coaching Certification –
Institute for Integrative Nutrition (2016)
Emotion CodeTM Practitioner (January 2015)
Usui Reiki Master & Teacher Training (October 2014)
Quantum Touch Training (August 2013)
Ususi Reiki II Certification (June 2013)
Ususi Reiki I Certification (April 2013)
Health & Human Services – Ivy Tech Community College
Natural Systems & Environmental Chemistry – Rose-Hulman Institute of Technology

“The session I had with Karen was life-changing. She knew exactly how to help me at I time when I couldn't even describe what was going on with my body. I was especially impressed with her intuitive gifts. The energetic tools she used during the session helped me shift from stagnant and frustrated to open and flowing with ease. It was like nothing I had ever experienced before! My energy as a whole feels more abundant. Operating at this higher vibration has become my new normal. I know the session with Karen was integral in making this happen at the perfect time. Thank you, Karen. Your work is pure magic!"

– Karma, Connecticut